Do You Really Need a New Forklift? You Probably Do
There are several ways of deciding whether you need a new forklift:
- Workflow: Is handling slow or taking up more time than it should, even on basic jobs? If so, your forklift is the most likely handling issue. Doing two trips where another forklift would only do one is the sure sign that your forklift is simply not up to the challenge.
- Need more maintenance than usual? The old forklift may be wearing out, and/or simply not adequate for your current business needs. Too many repairs may also mean the forklift should be retired anyway.
- Is load capacity becoming a frequent issue? This is pretty common, particularly in high volume handling scenarios. Yes, you do need a new forklift that can manage the bigger loads. Capacity issues can be serious problems, both for safety reasons and handling efficiency.
- Does your forklift seem clumsy in some roles? If your forklift is treating some jobs like an obstacle course, you need a new, more agile forklift. Agility is one of the key features of having the right forklift for the job. You may need another type of forklift, not just a new one.
Sourcing New Forklifts
A word of advice – Take the time to really explore your options before you purchase a new forklift. The new forklifts on the market offer some fabulous choices and a fantastic range of different designs.
This is the best practice sourcing method:
- Check out the top brands first: These brands, notably Toyota, Crown, Linde, and Manitou, offer an excellent range of choices. You can compare brands, models, and compare load handling capabilities. You can also get a very good idea of prices and make a realistic budget for your purchase.
- Deal only with specialist forklift suppliers: The specialists are no-nonsense experts. They’re fully up to date with all the latest forklifts, and good suppliers can give you a much better deal. Specialists speak “forklift language” fluently, and will understand what you want, and be able to help you find what you want. You’ll also get practical advice and help when selecting your new forklift to make sure you’re getting the right machine for your needs.
- When sourcing, make sure you can also get servicing: This is absolutely, 100% essential. Good suppliers can save you downtime, supply parts, and minimise your downtime. Do NOT find yourself in a position where you have to guess about how and where to get servicing if you need it. 24/7 servicing is the best option, to keep your downtime at an absolute minimum.
- If you need special handling capabilities: Again, the specialists are your best option, but for a very practical reason – they can find you a purpose-built machine for your special handling requirements, attachments, and everything else you need.
Talk to Aussie Forklift Repairs
Aussie Forklift Repairs are your one stop shop for forklift specialists in Sydney. We have all the top brands, and we can help you with all the support, services, and technical help you need. Call (02) 9679 8992 or contact us online, and ask our experts for any guidance you need.